A downloadable project for Windows

Aware is a virtual reality application that aims to immerse and accompany the user in an emotional journey, where she will face different challenges to overcome the obstacles that, daily, are caused by social anxiety. The user will be inside the study of a psychologist, where the experience will start, which will show her the scenarios in which she will enter. In this first prototype, she will complete tasks in a clothing store. Within this environment, the user will have a number of goals to achieve that will be communicated through the use of a phone. Asking advice from a salesperson, having to stand in line, having to pay by interacting with the cashier, are all small gestures that can create a feeling of discomfort and that the user, within the application, will have to perform.  The user also has the chance to enter a safe space, a "bubble" that will stop the stressing events. The user can enter it whenever the sense of discomfort and anxiety is so strong that she wishes to temporarily interrupt the experience. 

The application is for Desktop VR, but we do not exclude future extensions that  use an HMD.

Supported platforms: Windows.

Clothes (shirts and pants): https://www.turbosquid.com/it/

Psychologist’s chair: https://www.turbosquid.com/it/

Ceiling lights: https://www.turbosquid.com/it/

Textures: https://substance3d.adobe.com/community-assets?assetType=substanceMaterial - https://quixel.com/megascans/home

Effetti sonori:  https://freesound.org/search/?q=UI&f=&w=&s=Automatic+by+relevance&advanced=0&g=1...

Avatar: https://github.com/microsoft/Microsoft-Rocketbox

Aware is a University project developed for the Virtual Reality course at Politecnico di Torino (2022-2023).

The developers are: 

  • Nicola Fantino
  • Andrea LoroPiana
  • Aurora Pasanisi
  • Ilaria Petrella 
  • Fabrizio Sulpizio



Install instructions

1. Download the file 

2. Unzip

3. Run "Aware.exe"

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